Tuesday, April 27, 2010

100 movies you should see.

* Office space
* Idiocracy
* Titanic
* Plagues and Pleasures on the Salton Sea
* Cleopatra
* Caligula
* Napolean dynamite
* The party
* Finding Nemo
* Fantastic Earth
* Lost in translation
* Shaun of the dead
* Pleasantville
* Nude on the moon
* Clockwork orage
* Liquid sky
* Groundhog day
* American beauty
* Elf
* War of the roses

* Glory
* Avatar
* Toy story 2
* Metropolis
* Fritz the cat
* 2001 A Space Oddity
* It's a wonderful life
* Schindlers list
* Citizen Kane
* Apocalypse Now
* Wizard of OZ
* Goodfellas
* One flew over the cookoo's nest
* The Sound of Music
* Blue Velvet
* Capitalism: A love story
* Seven
* Trainspotting
* Streetcar named desire
* Monty Python and The holy Grail
* Midnight express
* Do the right thing
* 300
* Full metal jacket
* Saving Private Ryan
* As good as it gets
* Donnie Darko
* Beetlejuice
* The Godfather
* The Godfather Pt. 2
* A Hard days Night
* Invasion of the body snatchers
* Psycho
* Mommy Dearest
* Plan 9 from Outer Space
* Rocky Horror Picture Show
* Erasurehead
* Dazed and confused
* The Warriors
* In Cold blood
* Rosemarys baby
* Harold and Kumar go to White Castle
* Deliverance
* West World
* Billy Jack
* Natural Born Killers
* Life and Times of Larry Flynt
* 300
* Twelve monkeys
* Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory
* Freaks
* Reefer Madness
* Clerks
* The meaning of life
* Forbidden planet
* Easy rider
* Pink Flamingoes
* Sideways
* Little Miss Sunshine
* The Trip
* The Candidate
* Koyanisquatsi
* Hotel Rwanda
* The Brady Bunch Movie
* Blow
* Bully
* Friday
* The Birdcage
* Airplane !
* Ferris Buellers Day Off
* The Naked Gun
* Austin Powers ( Man of Mystery)
* The Nutty Professer (original)
* Meet the Parents
* Tropic Thunder
* Revolutionary Road
* Wild at Heart
* Mullholland Drive
* This is Spinal Tap