Still more tips for daily living
Don't drive an SUV if you live in the city and are single...theres no reason for it....luggage or not. Ive said this many times about the suburbs...more to the point if you live in a city. having trouble parallel parking...or at gas stations your big gas guzzling SUV ? No sympathy here.....even if you have 2.3 kids.
Don't eat the yellow snow
Eat soup from a cup as opposed to a loose all the heat/steam out of the bowl too fast. And isnt soup supposed to be hot ? It once was anyway. And Tomato soup ? Isnt this just hot Tomato juice ? For that just microwave a cup of'd be healthier.
Guys don't spit when your walkng in public. it's disgusting...barbaric. You should have to crawl on the ground and lick it up. It shouldnt be's just disgusting.
For every law lawmakers pass repeal one.
Girls don't pop your chewing gum outloud. Nobody want's to hear it. Its quite annoying. And furthermore....Don't sing or worse hum in public. just don't.
Have your check ready at the register in stores...( grocery...CVS etc)....except the amount. Cuz believe it or not there are people behind you probably. Better yet. retire paper checks. Its 2009 already for god sakes.
Don't try to get people to watch PBS. It's cool you watch it...For others its probably boring and reminds them your either over 60 or nerdy. Or just dull.
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